
Frederic Sune

We have been using MainWP since 2014; we took a little break from it for less than a year testing out ManageWP but we were missing the flexibility, stability and control over our WordPress maintenance tool. So, in Sept 2019, we moved back over 75 sites back to MainWP and it was the best decision we ever make. Why? Because of the amazing support you get! The full team are behind their application and you get an amazing support sometime less than 1h. This is one of the main (WP – LOL) reason we love it but another reason is the 100% control you have over everything and it is something you can’t find on any others manage tools out there. Finally, the cost! One time investment, that’s it. You still have to pay for the server and others 3rd party plugins but the price doesn’t go up when you add more sites. We highly recommend any web agencies that offers WordPress maintenance plans to look at MainWP. Don’t forget to join the Facebook, amazing community like MainWP application.

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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